Thursday, February 26, 2009

march artist::luke anthropy

frank james is pleased to showcase bellingham artist luke anthropy.

below is a side profile of this months talent. 

the work of luke anthropy concerns itself primarily with precision-the weight of a single line, the purity of a smooth plane of color, the balance of the shape of the square. the precept of his work as a whole is: made clean. this cleanliness may initially hypnotize the viewer, blinding them to the complexities of the work beneath the smooth surface. as the viewer becomes habituated to the experience of the work, however, he begins to comprehend the tangled chains of thought pursued therein. the eye is intended to dance. the shapes are meant to interact. a collection of singulars joined in rigity alive each in their own right approach the meaning of faces in a crowd. the slop and the saints, the fun and the difficult, the computer and the hand.

stop by frank james friday march 6 from 6-10pm to take in the art, enjoy a beverage, listen to some live music and thumb the racks of frank james. as a special treat this month frank james asked our neighbor locust to join in on the festivities and stir shit up on the other side of the gateway building!

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